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Key Benefits
Mindful Living
Emotional Resilience
Inner Peace
Better Awareness
Clarity of Thought
Practical Guidance

Breakdown of the chapters
Reader Testimonials

I would say that topic is great people aren't that kind and sensitive towards themselves and because of that maybe they can't do that to others as well, book made me realise that I'm focusing on other things more this days I have noticed that I have stoped taking pictures I'm becoming less observer. And i feel like I should observe more and more because that have helped me understand myself about being kind to world I try to do that but sometimes I fail and now that I think of it I feel like I should be more and more kind but I have noticed that sometime people get confused between being nice and being kind I was one of them now I try to stay on kind side because being nice will drain me but being kind will make me a better person and about empathy I feel like if you really curious to know someone or something you have to be empathic with that process maybe I'm on the way of being that person who have empathy.I hope all this make sense. it's great tbh won't be able to describe in words or in any format.
I finished reading your book in 2 days, which means you hooked me all over the pages that's how beautiful it was. The book was simple to read and reality shown to human beings and the value of feelings and senses.
It's a big deal you wrote this beautiful book. I've seen through videos how much struggle you faced and how difficult it was for you to publish this beauty.
like this chapter was about move with the feel, I am already going through some crisis where I need my heart to understand that's its okay to fail, to not understand life completely or that life can take you to paths sometimes that you don't want to be. But that's exactly beauty of life!
So your chapter kinda made a quick connection about finding your true calling and focus on that rather than complaining about life, which sums up to be moving with the feel!
I know you wrote it in a very different context, according to your story and experience but I think, the way you have put it down everyone is gonna connect to their life, with some point because everyone is facing life's chaos!
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